Sunday, December 4, 2016

How did I miss two days...already?


It's check-in day, really? It came pretty fast and so did my desire to quit. However, I haven't my goal is to stick with it even with this shoulder injury. In addition, I have not got my sheets to go with ChaLEAN Extreme to keep track of the weight that I am lifting. So, I feel like this coming week will go extremely better.

I have decided to meal prep this weekend for the week. As I learned a lot about myself, this past week. More importantly, I learned during my conference about how we as human have a tendency not to savory. We rush through things and for me. It's food. I can honestly say, I know I must know why I am the way I am with food deep down inside, but I guess I haven't wanted to really know or care to know or maybe subconsciously my mind is unable to handle the reason. I am not sure how to get at it.

However, I am hopeful as I go on this journey I will be able to address it. Now here what we've been waiting to see results from week 1...slow clap please.

Neck: 15"
Chest: see previous post
Rt. arm:15 (flexed muscle)
Lt. arm:14.5(flexed muscle)
Waist: 52"  (at belly button)
Rt. Thigh: 31"
Lt. Thigh: 31"
Rt. Calf: 18" (seated)
Lt: Calf 19" (seated)

weight: 285.6

Wow, remarkable results so far. I have lost some inches. Honestly, if I was just relying on the scale. I would have seen this week as a complete failure. As the scale would not have reflected my exercise. It is so true that the scale doesn't show the whole story. I am proud of myself.  I was able to make up one of the days this morning and will be making up the second day missed shortly after this posting. I will be completing tomorrow's workout in the evening to allow my body some time to rest. Pushing play. I leave you with this...

Until next time,
Many Blessings :)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Did my shoulder hold up? Injury already?

I am a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday, I was extremely tired. I have to say this journey has been more about pushing play so far than eating well. Don't get me wrong, we all know that if I really want to see real change the eat has to get under control. As they say, Roman wasn't built in a day and neither was this thick layer of fat. I am trying to be understanding with myself and with my new workout regimen. I've essentially gone not working out to an extreme workout regimen. Thus, my mind has slip into the mode of I can eat more because I am working out. We know this is NOT true.

For example this morning, I ate my breakfast only to still feel hungry. So, I encourage myself to drink water and I did. However, the bag of potato chips in my drawer was calling my name and stomach. Naturally, I gave in. It tasted oh so good, but reality set in. Would I rather have chips today and fat tomorrow? No, so the bag closed immediately! I will have to work extremely hard to get my eating under control. That will be next week goal.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

55ez not so easy?


Man, the morning came all too quickly. I have to be honest, I really did not want to get up this morning, nor did I want to work. The thought did cross my mind to skip the workout. I mean, honestly, who would know. It was then I realized, I would know. I asked myself some tough questions. True be told, I did not want to live like this nor should I have to. All for what, a few extra moments of rolling in my bed. Nah, it not worth it for me. Therefore, I got my bottom out of the bed and I pushed play. 

It was tough and not easy at all. I was truly exhausted and tired twenty minutes into the workout. This is what my poor choices have bought me. A body that can barely function, a body that at times can only sit on the sidelines of life, a body that can barely catch a breath. It is truly sad to see what I have done to myself, my temple.

I kept pushing and was able to complete 45-minutes. For today where I am, I am going to be truly grateful to my body and mind for allowing me the opportunity. I have been afforded a second chance to improve upon my life and my choices, Even as I write this, I am in pain. My shoulder began hurting me this morning after I arrived at work. This evening I could barely life my tv table, yet after a few arm stretches, it feel considerable better and very little to no pain. 

Yet, tomorrow morning I am going to get up and put myself in a position to accomplish my goal to be consistent. The race is not won by the swift, but to the steady. Therefore, I leave you with this...

Until next time,
Many Blessings :)

Monday, November 28, 2016

What did I commit myself to?


I just finished my first day of the Turbofire/ChaLEAN hybrid. Boy, oh boy! I will feel it in the morning. I know this may sound strange, but I am actually looking forward to feeling the pain tomorrow. I really enjoyed the ChaLEAN program. However, I am not looking forward to Thursday. Yikes! I think that is when I will truly feel it. 

I took my measurements and here are my numbers:

Neck: 15"
Chest: unable to properly measure
Rt arm: 15"
Lt arm: 15.5"
Waist: 54"
Hip: 56.5"
Rt thigh: 32.5"
Lt thigh: 33.5"
Rt calf: 18.5"
Lt calf: 19"

Weight: 284.5lbs

This is the last time I will see these numbers staring back at me. I know that I will need to trust in the process even if I do not see or feel the change. It did not happen overnight; and I know that I will not be able to undo damage overnight either. However, I will leave you with this...

Until next time, 

Many Blessings :)

Day 1 - Again?


It seems like every so often I awake and want to recommit to a healthy lifestyle and exercise only to watch the commitment be buried right before my eyes. I am not certain as to why I believe that this time will be any different from any other time. I can only say that I can only take it one day at a time, plan for the time stealers, and do not rely on motivation to get it done. I have to be consistent. Consistency, Consistency, it deserves to be stated more than once. It requires that I push play daily, watch my portions, and believe that I am worth its every second of the day.

The cliché says nothing in life worth having comes easy. It is so very true and I know that I have something I need to address. Sadly to say it involves the mind and the mind can be very hard to change, but not impossible. I have to start replacing the unkind thoughts, actions, and words that I say to myself with loving and positive affirmations.

It is my hope that as I begin to shed some of the mental layers of hurt, discouragement, lack of belief, and sadness that I can begin to transform myself into the person I truly wish to be. It most certainly will not be easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it is time.

I can see myself months from now, vaguely remembering what it felt like to be in the place, this moment. Trouble does not last always. Therefore, I leave you with this today...

 What results will I see today? What will yours be today?

Until next time,

Many blessings :)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Game Plan

Sunday, November 28 - Day 1

GOAL: Consistency

What does Consistency look like?
It means pushing play everyday and giving it your very best for that day and not comparing it to anyone or any other day.
WORKOUT(S): Turbofire / ChaLEAN Extreme Hybrid
Core de Force / ChaLEAN Extreme

Why these programs?
I enjoy lifting weights and seeing muscles pop. I love seeing my muscles flex. Secondly, they also look like a lot of fun.

MEAL PLANNING: My stomach has been a little crazy lately. I'm having a hard digesting almost all process foods that contains dairy, oils, flour, or chemicals to keep food stable shelf ready including frozen food. So, I will be eating as close to whole food as possible including organic can foods, right now that means very little  variety until stomach is feeling better. Then I will be transition to a complete vegan diet following the 22 Day plan.

TIMEFRAME: 20-weeks

  • Measurements on Sunday
  • Daily post(s) on Instagram

TOUGH DAYS (things to do instead of eating):
  • Pray / Praise God for the many blessings
  • Journaling
  • Going for a walk
  • Blogging 
  • Watching inspiring fitness videos 
  • Play Xbox game then push play

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The background.

Honestly, I am not sure what came first the poor self-esteem or the weight gain. In my world it's an age old question. I wasn't always heavy or overweight. It started shortly after my brother and I left foster care. It occurred during my teenage years. I returned to my mom only to find out that she had other kids living with her. I was angry because she couldn't take care of us and get clean, but she could for others. It was the year I got teased really badly about my new weight bracket, and my hairstyle.

That following summer I worked out to Denise Austin and ran around my trailer park and lost the first weight battle. I felt amazing, yet the old demon of drugs returned and so did my desire to hide myself in it. And like most teenagers, I was angry again at myself for believing, for not being enough for my mom, for being mad at all, and for being plain dirty with my self care (personal care - thinking this would encourage her to want to spend time with me). It didn't, it made everyone around me feel dirty and grossed out, but not her. This year in school was about my anger and clothes and Payless shoes. It was a very hard year. My mom wore name brand while her children wore Payless.  I think what officially broke my heart and sent me on the path I am today was when my brother refuse to wear the Payless shoes. He wore the last pair of name brand shoes he had gotten while foster care until his shoes split wide open and you could see all of his toes.

I had just gotten a job. It was in fast food. I took my paycheck and purchased him shoes. It was then I realized just how much you can love someone. I also felt that I should do my very best to care for brothers. So, I put myself on the back burner and did what I need to do to care for them. I started dating a guys years older then myself. He gave me money, bought me things, and helped me unwittingly. Life kept falling apart. No one seem to care. Until, I decided to leave for good. Food was my friend it was there when I needed someone/something to talk to, it was there when I was sad, it was there when all friends I thought I had left me, it was there in all my troubles.

So, what came first the poor self-esteem or the weight gain. I'm not sure, but food was there.